CategoriesNippy Nap™ Blog

Why I invented the Nippy Nap™ nursing cover

Guys, I made something I'm really proud of.

I know it’s not for everyone. 

I wish I had the courage to just whip ’em out anywhere and everywhere with zero hesitation. Whenever I see a mama openly breastfeeding it makes me smile bigger than my face shows. My heart is happy. I want to keep starring, but that would probably be weird. 

I made the nursing cover I wish I had early on in my breastfeeding journey. 

When I wasn’t an expert.

I wanted some privacy. But I also wanted to see what I was doing. I wanted to use BOTH of my hands if I needed to help get a good latch. I wanted to see my sweet baby’s face. 

Sure, when was home alone or in the car, I did not worry about using a cover at all. But when I had visitors at home or I went to a social function, I was always finding myself hiding in a bedroom for breastfeed privacy. But I would feel like I am missing out on the festivities going on outside the door.

Although I loved breastfeeding and was so proud of myself for doing so, I at time felt isolated. 

The other nursing covers on the market didn’t allow me to see my baby while nursing without wrestling with fabric with my elbows. And I worried about her being too hot or not getting enough air.

I began thinking about what I wish I had in a nursing cover:

I wanted to see my baby while breastfeeding without interrupting the mother-baby bond. I wanted to not die of heat stroke with a blanket-like cover draped over me in the high Arizona heat. I wanted to know my baby wasn’t too hot and had plenty of air.

As a new mom, I started to realize a lot is missing in society to help young mothers. I started thinking about different advocacy groups and how some groups are able to accomplish so much for the group they are most passionate about or identity with. I realized the phase of breastfeeding is a relatively short amount of time in span of motherhood, should that be your choice, and maybe we just need to fight to keep the passion of breastfeeding advocacy even when we are done breastfeeding. 

I was determined to reduce at least one barrier of breastfeeding, and pursue creating the perfect nursing cover. 

A breathable, comfortable, easy-to-use nursing cover that is wrestle-free, heat-stroke free, and allows for full visibility of my sweet babe.

You can even use it while working with a lactation consultant, while pumping at work, or while bottle feeding or napping to create a peaceful, distraction free space for baby.

I’m really excited to see what you think! Let me know in the comments below or shoot over an email to:

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